Diagram of A Silent Garden
All white 3D render of an alarm clock
All white 3D render of an alarm clock
All white 3D render of an alarm clock
All white 3D render of an alarm clock
All white 3D render of an air plane
All white 3D render of an air plane
All white 3D render of an air plane
All white 3D render of an ATM
All white 3D render of an ATM
All white 3D render of an ATM
All white 3D render of an ATM
All white 3D render of high heels
All white 3D render of high heels
All white 3D render of high heels
All white 3D render of a mailbox
All white 3D render of a mailbox
All white 3D render of a mailbox
All white 3D render of a piggy bank
All white 3D render of a piggy bank
All white 3D render of a piggy bank
All white 3D render of a traffic light
All white 3D render of a traffic light
All white 3D render of a traffic light
All white 3D render of a traffic light

Diagram of a Silent Garden is an open call for a group show, using the title for a prompt and general invitation. Intended to reflect a range of practice in flux during Covid-19, we hoped to create a space to reconsider making work in our new condition. As our participant pool expanded the project naturally shifted from print to online form. We are proud to publish these pieces and thankful to those who took the time to let this site become a wide index of their practices. In the spirit of this ongoing conversation, we will continue to be open to new submissions.

Core Team: Brian Sing, Jared Fellows; 3D Identity with Ted Youjong Kim; Design by Brian Sing & Jake Brussel Faria; Developed by Jake Brussel Faria. Submit to DSG II here.

find­ing peace in the chaos

Jimmy Ramirez

Illustration of a woman standing on a hill looking out on a city.

During the Coronavirus pan­demic there are many re­al­i­ties that we have to face. Many peo­ple have lost their lives or have been eco­nom­i­cally drained from stay at home or­ders. Unfortunately, those hit hard­est fa­tally and eco­nom­i­cally are the his­panic and black com­mu­ni­ties. As a his­panic this is a re­al­ity I had to face per­son­ally as some of my fam­ily mem­bers fell se­ri­ously ill in­clud­ing one my un­cles who passed away due to the coro­n­avirus. However, this il­lus­tra­tion de­picts some­one who is ex­posed to an even more grim re­al­ity and she is a nurse. She and many other health­care work­ers are the ones who have to pass by re­frig­er­ated trucks full of corpses, work in un­der-re­sourced fa­cil­i­ties and at­tend to the se­ri­ously ill. She not only con­fronts the virus di­rectly, but also serves as a sym­bol of tri­umph be­ing a his­panic-nurse and pos­i­tively de­fi­ant against all odds. This il­lus­tra­tion is a rep­re­sen­ta­tion of the every­day hero find­ing peace in the chaos. Thank you Montse.